Stress: We all have it, we all know it, and it will always be part of our lives. However, we can choose how we let stress enter our lives and affect our health by the choices we make and mindset we hold. If you're trying to lose weight, it is almost impossible not to stress over the foods you are eating. Rather than adding another element of stress to our already stressed lives (work, traffic, lack of sleep, school, finances, relationships, etc) it may greatly benefit your health to STOP STRESSING over what goes into your mouth or onto your plate, and begin to see food as more than a stressor and cause of your weight gain. In order to obtain the full health benefits from our food and effectively lose weight, we need to begin to see our food as nourishment and fuel for our bodies.
If you are someone that stresses over every little thing you place into your mouth, it's quite possible that even though what you're putting into your mouth may be inherently healthy, it may not provide you with all its health benefits simply due to the physical and mental state your body is in when (and even before) the food is consumed. Let me explain....
Effect of Stress while eating:
- Increased blood sugar during, and hours after, the meal
- Increased blood pressure and heart rate
- Increased insulin response due to the blood sugar rush
- Increased fat storage into cells from insulin surge
- Blood sent to muscles and away from digestive organs, decreasing digestive function and efficiency
- Possible decrease in digestive juices
- Less nutrient absorption
- Decreased immune function (possible contribution to food sensitivities/allergies)
- Increased cortisol, which inhibits leptin, the hormone responsible for controlling the appetite (in other words, this hormone response can actually increase your appetite)
- High levels of cortisol can cause fat to be deposited deep in the abdomen, which not only increases your waist line, but also your risk for disease
Benefits of Decreasing Stress Before Eating:
- Increased blood flow to digestive organs, enhancing digestive function
- Greater nutrient extraction from foods consumed
- Enhanced leptin response = decreased hunger
- Decreased cortisol production
- Decreased heart rate and blood pressure
- Possible decrease in bloating, IBS, and constipation
- As much as you can, avoid eating in a stressful environment or on the run (while driving, while standing, etc)
- Begin to see food as nourishment for your body and soul, rather than seeing it as the enemy
- Buy organic, natural foods that contain more energy, nutrients, and enzymes
- Take 5 deep belly breaths before digging in to your snack or meal
- Take a minute to be thankful for the food you are eating and the nourishment it will give you. When you respect what you put into your body, the benefits are far greater.
- Give yourself a break; you can't be "perfect" all the time. Forgive yourself if you make a dietary 'slip' and keep charging forward.