Ok, cheesey title, I know. But the sad part is, it's TRUE! I hear it from all of my clients when they come in for their first appointment. They want to make a good impression so they rave about how everything they eat is "fat free" but they struggle with sugar cravings and are hungry all day. This is usually the first big hurdle I tackle with clients; getting them to have a healthy relationship with FAT. Yes, delicious fat. The natural part of food (not processed trans fats) that makes it taste good, keeps you full for hours, gets rid of sugar cravings, helps to balance hormone levels, cholesterol levels, and even.......body fat levels! YEP, I said it. You need to EAT FAT to BURN FAT! TRUST ME!! I get some crazy looks from people when I tell them they need to eat more fat. But think about this; how many people do you know that are eating a low fat diet and are happy, full of energy, have glowing skin and hair, and are never hungry?! Um, not too many I'm sure (if any at all). I have yet to see a client gain fat by eating more fat. It's true. Now, that's not to say you can have lots of sugary desserts, it's to say ENJOY things in their natural state. If chicken has skin, eat it, if yogurt has fat, eat it and if an egg has a yolk...EAT IT. Stop being scared of food that's natural and good, just as it should be. Does it really make sense to eat a 100 calorie snack out of a factory box over snacking on a chicken leg and some avocado? I don't think so. Start enjoying your food and discover what it's like to be satisfied, devoid of cravings, and energized.
What's your favorite way to get your healthy fats in your day? I love love love avocado and coconut oil (not necessarily together)....and will put them on everything. Since living in Australia, I've been missing some really good guacamole, so let's just say that will be my first stop when arriving back in the US. Mmmm!
Cheers to FAT!
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